20 participants in the small village of Portbou! Thanks to the great work of Natalia and Swen of the Simmelian association. Interdisciplinarity, a guiding idea of Simmel, is key for housing and urbanism for degrowth. We are litterally building a new indisciplinary context with the reenforcing of actions in differents areas: from the justice fight for minimal housing rights, to the political support for usage rights on empty buildings, to the support of sharing of houses. More justice leads to less frustration which supports happiness in smaller spaces, which is helped by best quality ecological renovations, and right level of compactness which enables to share all sorts of goods and services: like washing machines, bicycles, community supported agriculture, local shops, bulk purchasing, cafés, cinema, feasts, social centers. All this supported by cooperatives to support social housing, and anti speculative actions and policies!

Thanks a lot to Carla too also who spread the words, and who does a very inspiring work of motivation and "convivialism" in the village of Portbou. People that are full of optimism and inspiration can really make a difference in a village. The presentation was made in Catalan, as everybody could understand it.