With night trains, we have the impression in Poland to finally arrive in a civilized country. Germany made us travel by night buses from Berlin to Warsaw, it is still better than travelling by shared cars but you have to travel sitting all night, and get up in the night to some horrible bus stations to go to the toilets etc. In Australia couchettes are too expensive in the few night trains. In France, the company SNCF followed the Die Bahn, by proposing « macron buses ». The few remaining night trains, which we cherish a lot, have little space between the beds (the ones from Cerbère to Lyon, or from Lyon to Benelux were suppressed years ago so we had to spend the day travelling by day light). In Poland night trains are a sort of convivial sharing of flats, i did not try the first class but in the second class you really have little apartment. We even made a photo with our roomates. It is more than double the space between the beds compared to SNCF night trains. You have the impression that the workers take care of you, they do not awake you with the controls, they propose you coffee... An old lady travelled with train during 45 years as she is married with a Hungarian, she gives her reusable mug to the hostess for fill-up...